Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The Power of Thought

Taking a business degree has yielded enormous benefits for me; one of the most significant of these has been the increased employability I apparently enjoy (but have yet to realize). Another, more profound benefit has been a change in the way I think. My attention is now consistently focused on the practical, applicable solutions to problems, and their tangible consequences.

This approach to problems has its pros and cons. I am happy I enrolled in a double degree with French so that at least some part of my education could maintain a level of abstract, ethereal thought. The business approach, however, has definitely dominated the last four years of my life. Dune recently reminded me of the power of thought alone; in one of the appendices, Herbert says:

Whether a thought is spoken or not it is a real thing and has powers of reality.

This can be hard to remember and appreciate when you have had four years of business school imprinted on your mind.

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