Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Friendster: krap

I joined Friendster a couple of months ago to be able to comment on a friend's blog (damn you Taylor) and couldn't even comment after taking forever to confirm that I was leaving every section of my profile blank. Now, mysteriously, after giving no information about myself and not putting up a picture, I have been contacted twice, both times by skimpily-clad women (one a model, the other a "lonely gal looking for a man") employing what my delicate sensibilities would consider a far-too-familiar tone, and somehow discerning that I was a "good-looking guy". I must say, despite the friendliness of these women, I think they may be poor judges of character (links to their friends' website seemed to suggest inappropriate material) but don't worry, I will invite them to the next cocktail party I hold and try to introduce them to some more polite washingtonian circles.

Yes, I am aware that it would probably have taken less effort to unsubscribe than to rant, but I felt the need to make a public appeal to stop people subscribing to that horrible website, if anything because their blog layout is so dysfunctional. Oh, and the name sucks.


Anonymous said...

Your Stupid, Friendster Rocks...

Anonymous said...

this post is stinking with the heavy undertone of "yes i got two girls saying that i am good looking."

is this really a rant or a brag?