Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Motley Assortment

No real topic, just a post. I am horrendously sick, rendering my mornings intolerable and my workday exhausting. Thankfully my current deals have been a lot less intense than a month ago, and I can leave the office in enough time to get sleep and try to heal. Unfortunately, part of the reason for the drop in intensity is that two of my potential travel opportunities - one to Thailand, the other to DRC, have probably fallen through - although in all honesty you can never make the call either way until you're on the plane. On the plus side, I am now working on a Russian media deal that will likely give me a chance to see Moscow for the first time in the near future.

Apparently, a lot of travelling is on the horizon. Jin (who has been fantastic at making me feel better despite my rotten physical condition - thanks babe!) and I are planning a trip to Canada, probably Montreal and/or Kingston, to get my visa reissued and hopefully visit my brother, who became the first family member outside of my parents to visit me on the east coast since I started living here. Reid and I are aiming for some kind of mega holiday in the early summer, not sure where yet. And I also want to work in seeing Mehal in Seattle, potentially convincing him to climb Rainier with me. Beyond the summer and any other business trips, I also need to make my way out to Vancouver for Matt's wedding. Wedding? Yes, his wedding. You know you're getting old when your friends start proposing. But you still have to call me bro - let's try to catch each other this week. I'll also probably try to visit Whan in Syracuse at some point - he came down a week ago and we had a blast in DC, although unfortunately he could only stay for one night.

The other important thing to mention is that I (finally) got a bike! It's a pretty sweet mountain bike, and although it set me back a bit, I have no doubt it's worth it. It makes getting around the city so much faster, and once it warms up a bit more I expect to hit a lot of the trails around here on weekends. Jin and I are aiming to do the Mount Vernon trail on Saturday. My quads are probably really out of shape - the last time I did any serious mountain biking was back on Javan volcanoes in my scouting days - so I am probably in for a sore time, no matter how small the hills out here might be!


Anonymous said...

To add one more motley crew, Shane has a clean room. I couldn't believe it.

Ass-shaping rides are on the horizon. Shane has a long way to catch up with Eoin and me.

Mehal said...

RE: Mt. Rainier

I'm not too sure how Rainier would shape up. I haven't been able to train as much as I would have liked and would probably fall into a crevasse and die a cold death. But I'm up for some hardcore backpacking. Or I could come to Banff. Its about a 1 day drive for me.

Whats with your AIM absence/non-responsiveness?

Shane said...

Yeah, I don't really use it anymore. And when I do actually log on to the internet on my home computer, it often kraps out for some reason. It's strange, but while at uni an extended aim absence resulted in severe withdrawal symptoms, I'm now ok with not having hundreds of messages interrupt what I'm trying to do. That being said, I should make a bigger effort as it's the main method many people use to keep in touch. Hint: I'm on gmail all day at work, so use the cool new chat thingy they've built in.

Anonymous said...

It’s amazing what you find through a brief search for old friends! I see you are working as hard as ever Shane. That is why you will probably be a retired millionaire by your mid thirties and I will still be enslaved by wage obedience well into my sixties.
I’ll be sure to send you an e-mail at some point. I would imagine there is a fair bit to catch up on. I’m still at my old hotmail address (markafc83@hotmail.com).
