Friday, October 14, 2005

The way it goes

Well, it's Friday night, and for many the start of the weekend has lifted hearts across the country. For me, ten minutes' respite to grab some Thai takeout and type this in my office will have to do. The work left to me is not terribly exciting, and if you knew what i was doing, you would probably question its relevance towards alleviating global poverty and saving the world. Well, I'd like to think it's contributing something in that direction at least...otherwise this is not a very motivational way to spend a Friday night. A pig dumb? Let's hope not, Cicero. Little worthy of report has happened since I last posted - I am still waiting for my first set of pipes to practise with, the wheels of bureaucracy continue to churn at the Bank.

Although, I almost forgot my awesome weekend with Whan. Syracuse is...lame. Meeting up with one of your best mates from college definitely is not, and we had a blast. I don't even want to think about how many brain cells I may have damaged, but suffice to say that it is probably time I took a break and gave my body a chance to recover. I think the point of no return was reached when we cracked open two 1.5 litre anniversary-edition bottles of Heineken. Ah, beer.

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