Sunday, February 06, 2005

The Plan

It has, of course, been far too long since my last posting on my blog. Part of the reason for this has been the seemingly directionless struggle for a roadmap to the future of my life. My lack of a plan has overshadowed everything else I have tried to accomplish and enjoy this semester, and it would be a shame if this continued throughout the entireity of my last semester as an undergraduate at Penn. So, I am trying to efface the cloud of worry that hovers over my horizon by at least elucidating some sort of project for the future. Here it goes.

The ideal plan: I get into McGill law school, receiving my notice of acceptance by March (as foreseen the clairvoyance of my mom's animal spirit). The night I receive the acceptance will, of course, be one of excessive alcohol consumption. I enjoy the end of my final courses at Penn, remaining here until graduation to spend time with my friends, girlfriend and family. Then, since I know I am in law school and future employment is not an extreme worry, I would fly across the Atlantic to Paris, hiking the Santiago de Compostela pilgrimage through France and Northern Spain, with my best friend Matt partaking in the formative experience. This would likely be a two month venture, after which I would fly back to Canada and move into a newly-found apartment in Montreal.

This is the trail:

Camino de Santiago route map from France

The slightly adapted plan: I have to at least work for part of the summer. During that time, I will hopefully either (a) live with Matt near Vancouver and work in finance or law there, or (b) work yet again for Nexen, whom I dearly love, but would rather avoid for a fifth summer. I'll try to work immediately after graduation and then do half of the Compostela trail (maybe starting in Pamplona for the running of the bulls) with Matt before going to McGill.

The sad plan: I don't get into McGill. I have to take on a permanent job (hopefully one of the training programs with Shell, Schlumberger or another large oil industry firm), and apply to law schools PROPERLY for next year so that all of my chances are not riding on one application and an ill-prepared LSAT.

Frankly, it would suck if I did not get accepted to McGill law.

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