Friday, February 17, 2006

Bracing for the weekend

My brother is coming to DC. Both of us were blessed (cursed?) with the same Irish genes, so I'm envisioning a rather ridiculous level of alcohol consumption. That, added to the fact that Jin can outdrink me, means that the three of us at a bar can only end in irrevocable liver damage. And probably severe memory loss as well. Ah, beer...

In all seriousness, it will actually be good to have an opportunity to do some touristy stuff in DC, as I haven't really done any myself since moving here. Hopefully I'll finally get to see the Smithsonian, and Eoin and I will also head up to NYC at some point as Eoin's never been there. It's been a while since I made the pilgrimage to the UN headquarters (yes, I know, lame that standing outside the HQ is my favourite thing to do in NYC, but I can dream, can't I?)


Anonymous said...

Hey shane,
We read about all this stuff... all the time :) Everything. We can see what you are doing RIGHT NOW. (the term is stalker)....

Shane said...


Anonymous said...

Day 1:

Eoin: Punch me! Let's see if you've got real 'guns.'

Jin: ...

-- Jin throws a jab on Eoin's face, and one leads to another and another. --

Day 2:

Eoin: My face is a bit sore.. do you remember punching my face last night?

Jin: WHAT?? What do you mean?? I punched you in the face???