Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Technology awesome and cruel

Right now I'm at home. I called in sick today with a horrible flu, probably a result of not getting enough sleep during my brother's visit, and also doing pretty much nothing apart from work. However, lying in my bed doesn't mean I can't do my job - I'm currently pushing through a disbursement for an important project that I have been working on for a couple of weeks. This morning I have published 2 documents to IFC's internal server, held a couple of conference calls, and discussed/summarized the legal issues surrounding IFC's disbursment. Amazing what you can do with a cell, laptop and a wireless connection.

Kind of sucks though too, right? Gone are the days when "sick day" meant you actually got to sleep and recover.


Anonymous said...

shane, you are a sick workaholic. take a break before you break yourself.

Anonymous said...

I'll come over and make you feel better
-Stalker #2

Shane said...

That's Jin's job, but thanks.