Monday, April 18, 2005

Codependent addiction - America and the World

As I procrastinate in avoidance of my finance research program on Thailand, the Economist is an easy and at least somewhat educational distraction. A cool article: Americans are addicted to spending (which most likely means that Canadians, the relentless cultural replica of our southern neighbour, have the same problem.) This, however, is not new. Check out:

What is new is that the World is making it worse. Damn, stupid World. Whatever possessed them to fuel our desire for more, faster, and more again even faster? I honestly don't know where people get the courage to spend this much. If I get a job for after the summer, I intend to save as much as I possibly can in the hope of staving off homelessness and hunger.

Maybe 4 months of constant pressure and fear of being unemployed has finally started to break me.

Happy thought: almost all fo the data I am (potentially) using for my Thai research project (not in Thai) is from World bank data sources. How cool would it be if I got that job? If God is out there, listening patiently to the chaotic internet ether, I hope he hears me.

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