Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Ever see the movie marathon man? There is this fantastically disturbing torture scene in which a Nazi concentration camp dentist uses his tools to sadistically torture a 'patient'.

I feel like the victim every time I sit on the chair.

In fact, my hatred, fear and loathing of dentists is so extreme that I am certain it is impossible to capture the intensity of my emotions in a blog entry. Unfortunately, it seems as though every summer I have to undergo some type of serious procedure...last summer, it was the wisdom teeth, and yesterday it was three fillings - brutal.

I really just want to bitch here to let out some of my frustration. My jaw is killing me from having to hold it open for over an hour and a half yesterday; my teeth are uneven so it feels weird whenever I chew or clamp my mouth (I get to have that adjusted tomorrow morning - oh joy!); one of my teeth is super-sensitive because, apparently, the dentist did not give me enough 'filling'; and I am still in a horrendous mood from the anesthetic, which always has a remarkably negative effect on me.

I have vowed to try everything possible to avoid having to get a filling ever again.

1 comment:

Mehal said...

Brush more?
Drink less?
naw.......not worth it!