Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I contributed

My office has the most horrible decoration of any cubicle colony I have ever seen. Now that really is saying something. But honestly, the sparse, wooden interior is punctuated only by an (impressively) extensive collection of those standard business motivation posters. You know the ones I'm talking about. They have these wonderfully bizarre, meaningless, and frequently out-of-place photographs that pretend to represent beautiful business buzz words: 'Cooperation', 'Leadership', 'Success'. To be frank, it really pisses me off that a poster company would be pretentious enough to believe it could motivate me to be cooperative with a picture of a crew team rowing together. All it makes me want to do is to escape the office and join crew. Fuck them.

However, despite the distractive thoughts that these posters may incite, today I actually accomplished one of the messages portrayed on the wall just around the corner from my office: 'Contribute'. I contributed today by teaching myself MS Access, and then by coming up with a plan to implement data bases in the storage of the vast swathe of information we are receiving for this particular project. My boss seemed please. I made sense. It rocked. Why? Because there is only one thing worse than a miserable summer as a corporate rat: a miserable summer as a worthless corporate rat.

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