Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Apartment Hunt

It's Paris all over again. Except this time, I don't have Kyle doing all the work for me, and I am not even in the city I am trying to find an apartment in. Every day I madly respond with my copied-and-pasted standard introduction message to tens of Cragslist postings, in the hopes that someone will think of me as a cool potential roomate.

That process is in of itself frustrating enough, but I also have to try to put together some kind of reasonable schedule for visiting these places all over DC for the day-and-a-half that I am spending in the city before I see Angelica. Right now, it is looking as though I am going to be homeless when I start my job in September. But I'm lucky.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Apartment hunting can be a hassle many times as I used resources on the web to help me locate the perfect apartment. I wish you the best of luck in finding a great apartment.