Thursday, August 04, 2005

It's a rough life

Sometimes I really feel as though I am more blessed than I deserve. Then again, sometimes I feel as though I am cursed, but I suppose that life is ultimately the juxtaposition of extreme feelings, with some moderation in between, depending on how bi-polar you are. But I digress. Today is one of those days where I really do feel more blessed than I deserve.

I am generally feeling very positive as I am going to get to see Angelica very soon (yay!) and I miss her greatly. I am looking forward to starting a new career with the World Bank and am having (some) luck with my apartment search in DC. But let's invoke Buddhist philosophy and focus on the present moment, shall we? Why am I feeling remarkably positive today?

Because, God bless the corporate world, my day of work is going to consist of chilling out under the sun, partaking of the sweet scents of the forest and field, and whacking a miniscule white ball into 18 holes. Oh, hey Steve, how's it going? Why yes, I do think I will be joining you at the beer cart every third hole. What's that? Steak for dinner, eh? We should be able to wash that down quite nicely with the clubhouse brew.

All I have to do now is avoid embarrassing myself in front of my boss with my abysmal golf game.

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